tsc members are volunteers, who help mnr biologists with research projects on the health of the lake temagami fishery. upset at this bullying from the mnr, mr. smith asked, "who in their right mind would volunteer to do the work the mnr should be doing and not expect to be involved as a partner in the management of the local natural resources and the environment?" he finishes by saying that the tsc is only trying to do its best for the environment and, "we could use some help, not sabotage."
the nugget edited out the sabotage part. you can read the whole letter on the tsc's webpage under tsc news.
now, the mnr is proposing a partnership to manage backcountry portage and campsite maintenance and user information in temagami. nothing is carved in stone, but potential partners were listed in the preliminary plans. they included the municipality, temagami first nation, association of youth camps, tourism operators, friends of temagami, temagami lakes association, and surprise, surprise, their jilted partner, the tsc.
it appears as though the mnr brass really doesn't appreciate dedicated members of the public involving themselves in resource management. they only do it because they're forced to. if this is how the mnr treats its partners, these organizations should have a good tete-a-tete with gaye smith before signing on the dotted line.
1 comment:
Jim left the following comment on wild temagami, but it was deleted when i accidentally deleted the whole darn blog earlier tonight. it's been a long night of reconstruction. here is Jim's comment in full:
It should be noted that the TSC is a charitable corporation and exists outside of the MNR. It is not dead and buried yet. In the past, it found fund to do projects and may well continue to operate.
posted by Jim to wild temagami at 27.2.07
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