so before we go, can you name all of temagami's species at risk?
endangered fauna

peregrine falcon
eastern cougar (pictured)
bald eagle
aurora trout (pictured)
rare fauna

black tern
northern long-eared bat
ruddy duck (pictured)
rare insects

ebony boghaunter (pictured)
black meadowhawk
ski-tailed emerald
kennedy's emerald
clamp-tipped emerald
brush-tipped emerald
least clubtail
elusive clubtail
muskeg darner
ocellated darner
rare flora

rugulose grapefern
cloud sedge
limestone oak fern (pictured)
hygrohypnum subeugryrium
potamogeton confervoides
smooth woodsia
1 comment:
hi there..
nice blog and have a nice day!!!
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